Tuesday, 27 January 2015

17. Evaluating of a youth drama remake: 'A Room for Romeo Brass'

For our shot-by-shot re-make the title sequence for the film, we chose 'A room for Romeo Brass'. We re-created the action then placed the title credits over the top rather than in between each shot, as it was a lot simpler and was more time effective.

We used final cut pro to edit our shot by shot re-make as well as creating the credits for the title sequence. We were very successful in making the credit text look very similar to the one used in the sequence. We chose the font that most replicated the font text from the original clip. It has a bold typeface in order to stand out over the moving images of the title sequence. The font suits the tone of the film, as it's quite simple. I feel our choice of font is successful to an extent, because we tried to get it as similar as possible to the original text and it was both clear and bold for our audience to read, but it doesn't stand out as much as we hoped. However, we edited it to make sure the viewers have time to read the text rather than it passing too quickly.

If we were to complete this task again, I think there would be a lot of things we would do differently. One of the most important thing would be, using the time effectively for planning and editing. As we didn't have a direct plan of the edits we wanted to film in which location, as well as a time schedule. We could have prevented this by assigning roles to each group member to save time when editing but also so everyone would have an equal amount of time in participating in the editing aspect of our remake. I think in terms of planning and filming we should rely more on a storyboard, so we would have more of an idea of how to set up our camera when filming and getting a more variety of shot types in the sequence. I think it's important next time to effectively use match cutting to make the editing look seamless, rather than the jumpy edits we achieved, which is not what we necessarily wanted. We fixed this problem by placing out credits over the shots, so the shots that jump go unnoticed.

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